Riverina Redgum Firewood Supplies will match or better any retailers price in Geelong area if they comply with the following.

1. The retailer must sell by the Tonne using a trade approved weighbridge.
(Riverina Redgum won’t price match if retailer uses scalaes on a loader as there is too much room for operator error)

2. The retailer must have a business address in Geelong area.

3. The retailer must provide a Tax invoice.

4.The retailer must sell sustainable Dry Redgum only.

If a retailer has a better price and complies with the above terms give me a call and we’ll beat it.

Phone 52488864
or visit us at 330 Bellarine Hwy, Moolap

When making your next firewood purchase

Please consider how firewood is measured can vary from retailer to retailer.
To learn more about tonne vs cubic metre click below.


Spring Business Hours
Weekdays 8am to 1pm


330 Bellarine Hwy, Moolap, VIC, 3221
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